9:00 AM - “doors” open. You are welcome to arrive!

9:00-10:00 AM - COVID testing (tests provided) and light breakfast (provided)

10:30 AM - Opening/welcome

11:00 AM - Session 1

  • Community, Communication, Craft: Handcraft/Sewing Guild - hosted by Meara. Join us to explore a long standing tradition of finding community and family support through sewing, mending, or using a needle in thread as you like. This is a social gathering paired with skill sharing! No prior experience required. You are encouraged to bring projects in process or just beginning. Some materials will be provided.

  • Open Topic(s)! Is there something other than these topics you’d like to explore/talk about/do together? Propose it the day of the Summit! We can provide group facilitation tips if that is supportive to you.

  • Seed Keeping - hosted by Bo Dennis.

  • Small Engine Maintenance & Mythbusters - hosted by Angela Mellon. Come learn how to take better care of the chainsaw, weed whacker, or push mower in your life. If you have questions about a particular part or unit, you are welcome to bring it with you as a teaching example. We will not be running anything during this class.

  • Quiet Tent/Calm Space is available anytime throughout the day.

12:00-1:30 PM - Lunch (provided)

1:30 PM - Session 2

  • Dreaming of Collective Futures, Grappling with Intersectional Realities - hosted by Alivia & Kit.

  • Harvesting Milky Oats, Tulsi, & Elderberry - there will be some instruction but this activity will be largely self-guided harvesting together.

  • Zine making/on-paper storytelling - hosted by Amy

  • Open Topic(s)!

3:30 PM - Session 3

  • Let’s Talk Local Town/Municipal Organizing (Selectboards, town committees, etc.) - hosted by Lane

  • Queer Parenting Circle - hosted by jessie

  • Banner making - hosted by SEN

  • Open Topic(s)!

4:30 PM - Closing

5:00 PM - Goodbye, see you next time! You are very welcome to stick around and help clean-up if you are able!